Stade and Cividale: birth of the project for a European exhibition

2017 3 October

A "network" linking the key locations in the development of Longobard Culture

The German town of Stade (Lower Saxony) and Cividale del Friuli represent two original stages in the development of Longobard Culture. The territory around Stade - along the lower course of the river Elbe - is the area of the highest interest (along with the Lüneburg area) as regards the archaeologically certified origins of the prehistoric period in which the Gens Langobardorum has been identified (1st century BC)Cividale, on the other hand, is the place where, in 568 AD, Alboin established the first duchy of what was to become the Longobard Kingdom of Italy.

Stade and Cividale are therefore two absolute points of reference in the study of the extraordinary phenomenon of the synthesis of traditions and cultures which - thanks to the contribution of Catholicism promoted in Monza by Queen Theodelinda - would lead the Longobard people to give shape to what UNESCO has defined the "prime root of European Culture, later developed by the Carolingians".

The proposal to combine Cividale, Stade, Monza, Salerno and other symbolic towns on the Longobard scene in Europe in a large, unprecedented European event was presented during a first meeting between a delegation from Stade composed of the head archaeologist of the town,  Andreas Schäfer, and the director of the Schwedenspiecher Museum in Stade, Sebastian Mőllers - and the Councillor for Cultural Activities of Cividale, Angela Zappulla, and the director of the MAN, Angela Borzacconi. The purpose of the meeting - organised by the General Secretary of the Associazione Longobardia, Bruno Cesca – was to launch the collaboration aimed at the creation of an innovative European exhibition on the Longobards that will involve, in addition to Monza and Salerno, other Italian and European towns included in the Route.